ACCIDENT by Eugene Halliday
[Recorded at ‘Parklands’,
Bowden, Cheshire]
… On our last occasion, when my friend, Gordon Smith, raised
the problem of ‘accident’. … And I’d said, “There isn’t any!” Now, of course,
everybody believes that there is. So I
want to examine this rather carefully, because we tend to think there are
accidents happening all around us every day. A hundred motorcars driving at
eighty miles an hour in the fog … have an accident …a pile-up. Wonderful
co-incidence of accidents
Now I want to go back to the fundamental idea: ‘Dualism is
Remember our proof … of that? … I don’t need a volunteer to stand up and
tell us, do I? What proves the impossibility of dualism? And because I don’t
need anybody to tell us, I’ll ask Greta to do it. … Greta, why is dualism
Greta: God is ‘not two’.
EH: That’s a statement, that’s not a proof.
Greta: Well it’s what I take it. (Oh!) … You can’t have, you can’t …
EH: Why? …
Greta: Em …
EH: That’s what I … That’s what I like about it. … Help.
Greta: You can’t have a dualism
EH: No? … Why not?
Greta: If God is ‘One’ - and he isn’t even ‘One’ - if God is
‘All’, there isn’t, there isn’t anything else but that, so there can’t be two.
EH: That’s an ’if’, you said ‘if’.
Greta: That is it
EH: ‘That is it.’ …
Greta: With a full stop!
EH: That isn’t a proof, that’s a dogmatic statement.
Greta: Yes it is.
Can I have a proof? … Ah, another volunteer!
Audience member: If we were separate, I wouldn’t be able to
hear you.
EH: That’s a better proof isn’t it? Let’s extend that universally. If there were
more than one ‘basic reality’, it would have to be, absolutely, unlike each
other in order to maintain their difference. And if they are absolutely unlike
they could not communicate. … Right? ‘Absolute un-likes’ cannot inter-communicate.
So there’s our proof: ‘Absolute un-likes’ cannot … cannot be conceived to be
able to communicate.
To communicate they must have something in common.
Now as human beings we have two weird facts. One is the fact
of our physicality; and the other is the fact of our ability to manipulate our
We have consciousness, whereby we are aware of our mental
process; our emotive process; our physical process; and we the ‘physical fact’,
that is very hard to get rid of, it imposes itself on us.
Now, ‘absolute un-likes can’t interact’, but our volition,
our feeling, our thought, interact with our body. That means a body and consciousness can’t be
fundamentally different. … Right? Consciousness and physicality cannot be
fundamentally different. That is why we say that consciousness is a ‘catalyst’.
Consciousness precipitates the world.
Now let’s examine this in relation to the idea of
If dualism is impossible, then whatever happens must be
caused by the ‘ultimate non-dual reality’. There cannot be an event that is not
Now when we are talking about ‘accident’, what are we
talking about? The word means, ‘something that falls to us’, just falls, ‘not
in causative relation’. ‘accident’ means ‘ to falling’. Something falls, with
no causal relation.
Pot of paint in the hand of man on top of ladder. Man on top
of ladder not looking what he’s doing (5.00) spills some of the paint. The man
underneath receives the paint and the paint falls on the man. The man on whom
the paint falls considers it to be an accident, it has fallen on him and
there’s no causal relation between the man on the ladder; the ladder; the
paint; and the recipient of the paint.
Audience member: But there is, surely?
EH: Not if you believe in ‘accident’.
Now the man on the ladder … We did mention he’s a bit
annoyed about being up the ladder anyway. That he sees a well-dressed man going
underneath with a two-hundred pound jacket on. … “Well then it deserves
‘spotting a bit’.”
Now, if the ultimate reality is ‘non-duel’, then ‘sentience’
and ‘matter’ are not ultimately different. Everything that happens physically
has another aspect to it: the aspect of consciousness; the aspect of intention;
the aspect of volition. And we tend to hope that this isn’t true. We tend to
hope that there are ‘accidents’. Now why do we like to think that ‘accidents’
Audience member: So that you can ‘pass the buck’.
EH: So you can ‘pass the buck’. Because the alternative is
‘continual watchfulness’ (Yes) about the situation’s possibilities.
Now the price of freedom is ‘eternal vigilance’. … Who likes
that one? … Not many. … We occasionally hear it out of the mouths of drunken
Audience member: It’s the only way you’ll be alive.
EH: Yes. It’s the only way you can ‘guarantee’, because
‘guarantee’ means ‘Will’. The ‘gu’ in ‘guarantee’ means ‘Will’. Gu-arantee … means ‘Will’. Now (..?..) non-dualism. Therefore nothing
whatever is absolutely disconnected from anything else.
Now, “The cause,” said Caesar, “is in my will.” The concept
of cause is a blow struck. That word ‘cause’, for your dictionary owners, means,
‘a blow struck’. That ‘blow’ is an act of initiative. If non-dualism is true,
then an act of will must affect total reality.
Now, wherever there is a condensation of that field of power
- that Sentient Power that we call ‘God’ - wherever there is a condensation of
it, there is a Will to ‘individuation’. The
fact that our organs … we’ve all got, more or less, stomach, heart, lungs - in
some condition or other; and therefore we have something in common with each
other – similar organs. But are our pulse rates identical; is our digestive
rate identical; do we deal with the same miraculously non-expensive slimming
diet identically? … No!
So, although we have many, many, things apparently similar
like stomachs, and hearts, and eyeballs, and things, they don’t operate
identically. They are not under an over-riding ‘super control’ that makes them
behave the way they behave. Somehow they are self-determined.
Let’s think about the word ‘self ‘ with a capital ‘S’ and
with a small ‘s’. Now with a capital ‘S’, the ‘S’ means ‘infinite spirit’. ‘S’
has always been the glyph of the serpent. Our letter ‘S’ derives from a drawing
of a snake. And that snake symbolizes free, undulatory, intelligent,
Now when this motion goes about in infinity, it can either cross
itself, or not. It can do a little meander, or it can translate from place to
place, or rotate, or vibrate. It will
translate, rotate, vibrate. Now these are limiting factors to the possibility
of types of motion.
Now let’s look at the word ‘meander’. (10.00) ‘Me-ander’,
all you German scholars, like Abel for instance. … Abel, what does ‘ander’ mean
in German?
Abel: It means ‘other.’
It means ‘other’, that’s not an accident it is fact. The
ander m… , ‘an’ mean ‘snake running’. ‘An’ and the name ‘Anna’ means ‘snake on
the run’, not ‘rotating snake’. ’On’,
‘O-N’, is ‘rotating snake’: ‘An’ is a ‘running snake’- a snake that
oscillates from side to side but does not close on itself. So ‘an-der’ means a
‘running snake’, and the snake is the type of sensuous, self-satisfying,
pursuer. And the ‘D-E-R’ means discriminative activity. So that ‘an-der’,
meaning ‘otherness’, means a travelling force, sentient force, which is
discriminating in going along . The snake goes to the left, changes its mind,
goes to the right, changes it’s mind – it’s oscillating while it goes along, in
the process it is vibrating, and this is the meaning of the ‘der’ in ‘ander’.
So ‘ander’, ‘other’, is very important. It means ‘discriminating to avoid being
locked up’. Now ‘me-andering’ is obvious, it’s an objective state, ‘m’ for the
substance, ‘e’ for the triple life. ‘Me’, ‘me’, you can all say that word. When
you say it you are saying ‘substantial trine-life (Light?)’; a ‘three-fold life
substance’. ‘Me-andering’ is me avoiding committal.
Now if I said, “me-onde,” that would not be avoiding committal because
the ‘O-N’ means ‘serpent with tail in mouth’. ‘Self committal to
self-development ‘ is ‘on-dev’. You use this same word for a waveform known to
in French in the base. Is there a French female in the house that knows how to
say ‘waveform’ in French? … Is there one? How do you say that weird little
entity that is both a wave and a particle? … What is it?
Audience member: A wavicle.
EH: That’s not French is it?
….. Isn’t Hanukah in the house? ….. Pardon? …
Hanukah: I didn’t hear what you asked …
EH: Good, Good! That’s a confession! That’s usually true
without the err, confession. What do you call a particle and a wave together in
Hanukah: Particule-onde
EH: Well the ‘onde’ part is the ‘wave’ which is funny, isn’t it? Because you’d
expect the opposite; the ‘an’ is the running serpent, but when it gets it’s
tail in its mouth, it becomes ‘on’, and that is the base of the French for
Now light behaves in both part-icular, and wave, form –
which is very peculiar. But we also behave in the same way. There is only one
law absolute, the Torah of the Hebrews; the Tareeqah of the Muslims – it’s the
same base, the same word. One law, and one only – ‘We either commit ourselves
or we do not’. To ‘commit’ is to ‘bind ourselves to a certain kind of activity’,
and ‘to dodge’ that is ‘to meander’ , … to ‘other’ oneself.
Now the difference between God, which is the Infinite Absolute,
and a creature, is this: the Infinite Absolute is utterly void of ‘otherness’,
there is no ‘otherness’ there. ‘Otherness’ belongs to the finite, created
When you say, “He is bothered,” ‘bother’ means ‘be other
than’, to be ‘bothered’ is to be ‘othered’, it is to have inside us, quite
simply, more than one.
Now when you say, “God is one,” you are saying, “He is not
other-ing.” Whatever He Will to commit Himself too, that He does. ‘Purity of
heart’ is to will one thing. More than one thing is ‘othering’ and ‘bothering’
Now, if there is only one will, (15.00) in its purity, like
the Will of the Absolute, there can be no ‘accident’ there, because everything
that occurs, occurs because it is Willed, purely. And the Absolute is Infinite,
and Infinity has nothing outside it that could interfere with it’s activity.
The Absolute Infinite is the only absolutely free motion,
and it remains free unless it binds itself by a self-committal. It’s got to turn ‘an’ – the running serpent –
into ‘on’ – the self-binding, rotating, serpent. A serpent is the symbol
of ‘sensuous motion’. ‘Sensuous motion’
can go around without committal, or it can commit itself to objective existence,
in order to experience the pleasure of objectivity, which is apparently a type
of security.
Now imagine in the Absolute Infinite there can be no
accident because nothing exists other than it, to befall it. So ‘Absolutely’
there is no ‘accident’, or possibility of it. There is only the Absolute Will,
self-determinant in every way.
Now it says about man in the ‘Great Book’, that, “He is made
in the image of God.” In consequence of which he has three things:
intelligence; will; and speech. ‘Intelligence’ is what we call ‘sentience’,
‘will’ is ‘initiative’, and ‘speech’ you know – it is the power to express what
your intelligence and will motivate themselves by.
Intelligence; will; speech: and when we do not verbalize what
we do - when we do not speak - we are not terribly clear about what we are
So we can talk about a baby before it’s born, when it’s
sitting in the womb, and has not yet learnt to articulate words. We’ll call
that baby ‘in its pre-verbal state’. So it cannot speak in our sense of the
term. It may hear its mother speaking, because the voice of the mother vibrates
through the amniotic fluid - affects the hearing apparatus of the child - and
the child hears noises, but they are very muffled -through the body processes
through which they come - and they are not clear, they are articulate. Yet we
know, by pre-natal research, that nevertheless the babies do record things said
while the baby is in the womb, but they’re not clearly recorded. If we pay
attention very carefully we will find that we can actually recover things said
by the mother or the father (in debate, or separately) from the child, from a
pre-natal condition. But, not until the baby is born, and breathes, and takes
the air and lets it out, and then manipulates its tongue and lips in certain
ways, does it gain what we call ‘articulate speech’.
Now it’s got intelligence, and it’s got will. But until it’s
born and it starts to manipulate its tongue and lips it does not articulate.
But when it begins to do so it does a terrible thing on itself: in the act of
acquiring the terms from its mother or father or both, or its educators –
teachers, and governmental propaganda - as it does so it begins to focus on the
terminology and to become subordinate to the words. Hence the statement, “To
speak is to fall.”
When you speak … Notice the word ‘speech’ … How do you spell
‘speech’ – with a double ‘E’ ‘C-H; how do you spell ‘speak’ – with an ‘E-A -
K’. you’re locking up your fundamental life activity. The ‘E’ is the triple
form of life, the ‘A’ is the activity, the ‘K’ is the locking. So to speak is a
spiritual power - serpentine sensuality
- positing itself in a triple activity, locked up. “To speak is to fall.”
Now, babies do not
get too much activity to not speak. They are battered by parents who put great
faces into prams and say, “Goo, goo, goo,” and wonderful primal sounds. And
they persuade, by all kinds of trickery, the baby to acquire vocabulary. And the
vocabulary is a voice (‘voc’) collection
(‘ab’), of willful affirmations: it’s a voc-ab-ule-AR-ehy (20.00), a
‘voice-will-collection-affirmation. The baby accepts the terms for its own
ends, bends them to the best of its ability, misunderstands that its mother, or
other teacher, and tries violently to avoid the committal that the parents and
teachers are trying to impose upon it. But there is no ‘accident’ here, there
is nothing no-causally ‘falling’ to the child.
The will of the parents to make this child articulate; the
will of the teachers to make it obedient; the will of the government to reduce
it to the level of citizen, these are willed, they are not ‘accidents’.
Now there is nothing in our non-dual universe that is not
caused by intelligent will.
Now the ‘speaking’ is there, in the universe. Prior to the
creation of the world that we know as gross material there is already
primordial sound. Now you know the definition of ‘sound’ in physics. It’s an
alternation of compression and decompression. The atmosphere is compressed,
then released, and compressed, and released. It makes a noise like clapping.
That definition of sound covers every noise that anything whatever makes, and
as everything in the universe is vibrating there is no such thing as an absolutely
silent being.
Now if I hold my hands flat like this and hit them, that
makes a certain kind of noise, and if I curve them and do this, it makes
another noise. That one says, ”Slap,” and that one says, “Slop.” If you listen
carefully you will hear the vowel changes.
Now everything in the universe is vibrating in a
characteristic way, determined by the structure of that thing. Structure is the
formal way – that’s one stretcher, and that’s another stretcher. Structure is
‘stricture’ … restrained.
Nothing in the universe can exist without vibrating, and
without rotating, and without translating. Three characteristic motions in
everything, and this vibratory behavior is ‘sound’, and therefore the ancients
wisely said that, “The fundamental power, causative of all things, is
primordial sound.” In India you would call that ‘Shabra’; in Greek you would
call it ‘Logos’; we call it ‘Cosmic Reason’, ‘Cosmic Intellect’. But it means
quite simply this, that there is a closure – symbolized by Saturn, and a
release – symbolized by Jupiter, and an
alternation of those two, and this causes a spin , or rotation, encapsulation
or en-sphering, and production of beings.
Now ‘to be’ is from the letter ‘B’ which is a labial closive
‘b’. You make a sphere in your mouth to pronounce ‘B’ and suddenly release it
from the lips, and when that occurs you have demonstrated the very process
whereby the universe comes into ‘B’-ing. ‘Being’ meaning ‘encapsulation’.
Now as soon as encapsulation occurs there is committal of a
definite amount of sentient power to that condition of encapsulation, that is,
to being. And as soon as ‘being’ come into existence, then there is the
possibility of contingent relation. There is one being, there is another being,
and they can strike on each other. And it is here there arises the concept of
One sphere and another,
A and B. They are going along. We’ll say the ‘A state’ is prior to the B (A
comes before B). A is ‘absolute’ and B is ‘being’. Outside every sphere there
is the Absolute Infinite, and the Absolute Infinite can knock upon the
en-sphered condition we call ‘being’. … A for the ‘Absolute’, B for ‘being’ …
The power outside any spherical form can knock on the walls of sphere.
Now from the point of view of the en-sphered sentient power,
it may have had no (25.00) warning that this knock was coming. This is very
important, because that sphere could be surprised, and would call the knocking
on its wall ‘accidental’ ‘B-A’, the ‘B’ being encapsulated does not know that the
Absolute outside it can, may, and probably will, knock upon the sphere.
Now the sphere is ignorant of the Absolute. ‘Ignorant’ means
‘willfully disregardant. In order to be, and continue in being, you must
disregard the condition of the Absolute, because if you think about the
Absolute, you’ll probably let go of your being. You can all do that for three
seconds to prove the point. Please all think of the Absolute … Non-Being … Done
it? … What have you got? … No Thing! … Because there is no ‘thing’ which is the
Infinite Absolute. Can you predict it? …
No … You cannot predict the behavior of an Infinite Power which is not in the
condition we call ‘being’. But you cannot predict it – whatever it does you
call ‘accidental’. Because it ‘befalls’ you. But is it accidental from the
point of view of the Absolute? … No! … The Absolute Wills to push these spheres,
which it has generated within itself, to push these spheres around without
bothering to consult them. And they will interpret this, if unpleasant, “It’s
an accident.”
But from the Absolute point of view there is no accident;
but from the point of view of an en-sphered zone of ignorance, there is an
accident. Mainly, whatever happens to it is an accident. But we can say, ”If we
wish to avoid, so-called, accident, we must start to cease to be unconscious;
we must stop being disregardant; we must stop being ignorant that the Absolute
is really with us.
There’s an Islamic saying that says, “When you are living,
live as if you can see God in everything. And if you can’t see him,
nevertheless He sees you.”
Now imagine you are all living and breathing, and doing the
best you can with what you’ve got. And you forget that actually you’re very
body is a precipitate of an Infinite Sentient Power which is called ‘God’, and
although you may forget God he doesn’t forget you. Because, if the Absolute
Sentient Power forgot you, you would cease to exist. … You exist in virtue only
of this centripetal focus upon you of the Absolute. The Absolute is focusing … on us,
individually. And when it ceases to, we die; we disintegrate.
Did any of you see a marvelous film about slime molds?
Audience member: Yes.
EH: Oh, somebody did, that’s good. Well you say a perfect
example there of the ignorance of the scientist. He was very, very, interested,
but like the other scientists investigating the same phenomenon, he had no idea
what was happening. He thought that they
ought to seek the cause of the slime mold’s break-up and re-assembly. Now when
there is food in the environment, this mass of slime – like a slug – breaks
into little bits, individuals, and each individual goes around and eats
whatever it individually finds. But when they have cleared a given environment
of food, they all go back together and they make one lovely slug which goes
about like one being. The micro-photography there was wonderful. They go about exactly like one being, with a
front end (like a nosey bit), and they’ve forgotten all their differences. They
are just like the ‘Mongol Hordes’ coming out of the Asiatic Plains. The same
thing happened to them exactly, namely when there was a lot of food in their
environment, they just stayed there and ate it, and when it became deficient they
got together and invaded Europe, and frightened hell out of everybody. And
there is still nervousness in the Russians today, in case they come back. And
they behaved exactly like these slime molds. (30.00)
When there is plenty to eat for all of us at a party we
don’t snatch custards out of each other’s mouths. But if the food is deficient,
short, lacking, you will see eyes shining, and sidling, apparently accidently,
towards the best éclair.
The same thing for the human being occurs to the slime mold, because there is
only one law.
Now insofar as we know that a fully conscious being is not
ignore-ant - that is, not willfully disregardant of anything whatever , for
that being, there are no accidents.
Now if there are no accidents truly, obviously the best
thing for us to do is become as conscious as we can, of as many things as we
can, because the more we are aware of the possibilities the less ‘accident’
will happen to us, because ‘accident’ is merely a misinterpretation of the
As long as we know that every act is caused ultimately by
the Absolute Infinite, and we adjust to that to remain awake, we are relatively
free from ‘accident’.
Now … Western philosophy is a bit dull-witted, but the best
of it has borrowed from certain oriental sources – mainly Asiatic - certain concepts. And the basic concept of
all was the religious concept, which divided reality into two kinds - absolute
reality, and relative reality. Absolute reality with a big ‘R’ (Absolute
Reality – capital ‘A’, capital ‘R’ - that means the Absolute itself, is
differentiating itself). But the small one (the ‘relative’) is two ‘R’s - ‘relative
reality’. That means that the already broken up by the Absolute is further
broken up by individual beings that have come to be by the Will of the
Absolute. That Infinite Absolute, which
we call God, differentiates the universe, and we are a product of the
Now if we accept the differentiation Willed by the Absolute
then we are true ‘Children of God’. We accept what is happening differentially.
But if we then decide to be extra clever, and differentiate the already differentiated
in ever new ways we complicate our lives more than we need, and become
progressively more and more subject to ‘accident’.
Are we agreed that the distinction between the ‘Absolute’
and the ‘relative’ is valid. The ‘Absolute’ has no ‘otherness’; the ‘relative’
is all ‘otherness’.
Now as long as we are in the realm of ‘otherness’, we are
battered by a multitude of stimuli, all of which tend to disrupt us, to break
us into pieces, to destroy our fundamental unity.
Now you know our word for unity is ‘one’ isn’t it? O-N-E,
that’s three letters, and we know there are three letters in the French, and
the Italian, and the German, and various other languages, three letters in the
Hebrew (echad) for ‘one’.
And what does it mean? It means that every ‘one’ is ‘three’.
What are the ‘three’? Force-form-function.
There is no being that is not ‘triple F’. Force; form; function.
Make a diagram of ‘triple F’ by simply drawing a circle, and
then from the center to draw three legs at equidistance, like the Manx three
legs, and then turn each one of those
radius lines into an ‘F’ by putting two little marks going out from it’s side.
You’ve now drawn a primal symbol of great power, which if you wear it to remind
you – make a note of it in your book, and make another note in your mind - so
that whenever you look at anything whatever you see the ‘triple F’ –
You never think that another being is other than that
‘triple’. (35.00). You never think of being which has form without function and
without force. You never think there is a force with no form and no function.
You never think there is a function with no force and no form. That means that
when you are looking at another human being, in order to relate to that being
you are required by your own intelligence to see force-form-function.
Now if it can’t get its own way immediately by force, what
does it do? Change form and function. But if we fall into forgetfulness, we
become lethargic - we drink through the waters of Lethe - and we forget that
other people are actually ‘triple’, they are force-form-function, beings. But
anything we do to them with our force, our form, our function, they have a
response that they can make. And it may be that they don’t make it externally
visible. They can have a ‘force’ response – that’s a will that doesn’t agree
with yours; they can have a ‘form’ response – that’s an idea that doesn’t agree
with yours; and they can have a ‘function’ response – namely they can do
something that you didn’t expect.
There are no beings, from the most rudimentary amoeba
mono-cell to the highest and most complex human genius, that are not
‘force-form-function beings’.
Now, if every act that is willed is not an ‘accident’, and
dualism is impossible, the Infinite is a ‘triple’, the Infinite is force, and
form. and function, and that is the meaning of that word ‘Logos’.
Now when you write an ‘L’, that means ‘light’, and when you
write the ‘G’, that means ‘dark’ – the body: consciousness and the body – ‘L’
and ‘G’, Lambda and Gamma. And when you write the ‘S’, that is the outflowing
function. So the word ‘Logos’ actually means ‘force-form-function’, where the
force is the Lambda, is the consciousness. You’re at your most powerful where
you are most conscious; you’re most vulnerable when you’re unconscious. So the
force is equated with the letter ‘L’ there, which means ‘light’, which means
‘consciousness’, which is rather strange because you don’t think much of
consciousness as force, you just tend to think it’s a kind of ‘mental
enlightenment’, but you don’t realize it’s ‘force’. Because everywhere you go
in your mind with consciousness you change - by the fact of consciousness - the
function of your ideas. So we say consciousness is a catalyst.
Now a catalyst is something, that the presence of which
causes other things to change but itself remains what it is. Consciousness causes
changes of idea and activity, of form and function, but that consciousness does
not cease to be consciousness. It remains exactly what it is. Consciousness is
eternally what it is.
Now the function is temporally changing, but the cause of it
- namely the consciousness - is the real power. And the form that it wills by
focusing, to come to be, is the idea that governs the activity.
Now is there anybody here who believes that there is an
‘accident’ in the ordinary sense of the word?
… … If there is, tell me. I’d like to discuss it from that particular
aspect. Does anybody at all believe that there is an ‘accident’ in the ordinary
sense of the term; an uncaused event that just occurs ‘out of the blue’?
Audience member: Well you see, there’s something I don’t
quite understand. When you began the answer with some sort of an argument that,
“Cutting of communication between ‘unlike’,” and then you say that, “In the ‘Absolute’
there is no ‘otherness’ in that field”, and, “the ‘relative’ is all otherness.”
How then can there be communication between the ‘Absolute’ and the ‘relative’ …
EH: That’s perfectly easy; ‘otherness’ is a function of the
Absolute. … All that you call
‘otherness’ is ‘differential function’ isn’t it? …
Audience member: So the otherness is relative (40.00)
ultimately it’s ‘otherness’.
EH: Oh yes! … … The ‘otherness’ is the ‘Absolute’ ‘other-ing’,
without altering its ‘Absoluteness’.
Audience member: If that is not … Is that not definable … ?
EH: Not in any way, no.
Supposing I wave my hand like this. Now is that hand waving
in the same manner or different from that indication. … Is that indication
identical with this?
EH: Audience member: Is the viewpoint of the listener here
different from the point of view of the Absolute
EH: It’s the same. Therefore we talk about ‘dialectics’. Now
dialectics is just to assert a pair of opposites to anything whatever: never
accept one of the pair of opposites that’s determined.
‘Othering’ is the way the ‘Absolute’ produces the universe.
God says, “I was a hidden treasure, I desired to be known, therefore I created
the world. And ‘hidden treasure’ meant to say He is Infinitely capable of
‘othering’ Himself. Because if He didn’t ‘other’ He was hidden. ‘Tremendous
Now ‘treasure’ means ‘tree-assure’; ‘triple-assurance’,
force-form-function. When you’re not using them - when you’re in deep sleep you
get the nearest to it – deep dreamless sleep, you’re not ‘othering’ are you?
Audience member: You’re not aware of the being.
EH: You’re not aware of your ‘othering’. Do you think you
might be ‘othering on the quiet’? … You might. But what is it for you if you
don’t know about it. Aren’t you [‘aid and dreasure’ (?)], there you are, lying in bed snoring. Oh no -
that would be ‘othering’ … quietly. You are full of relational possibilities,
and you’re asleep! Have you ever seen a beautiful male asleep? Not breathing
noisily. Have you? That made you laugh. Have you seen one? Imagine the
‘Sleeping Beauty’ not dreaming, therefore not ‘othering’, but if you woke it up
it could do something interesting … Mm? … Use a nudge at 3am, and he wakes up,
and starts ‘othering’. … Yes? … And what
would he be like if you didn’t give him the nudge, and he didn’t wake up, and
he didn’t ‘other’? Nor did you. Nor did
anyone else! There would be no ‘else’. What kind of a reality could it be, with
no ‘othering’ in it? … Can you tell me? Can anybody describe for me the
condition of Absolute Non-Otheringness?
Audience member: Anxiety … anxiety ….. Boredom.
EH: Boredom … That sounds like a masculine analysis. ‘Bore-dome’
– there is a ‘dome’ or situation waiting to be ‘bored’, … by an auger. It
wishes to do a bit of augury … Yes? …
When there’s nothing to ‘bore into’ what do you feel like Trevor?
Trevor: Restless.
Restless. You mean your boring implement is not ‘othering’
itself. … Pity …. Here’s that thing, there is only one law, there is no other
law, it is called always the same name in disguise, in different ways, in
different languages, nevertheless it is only one law. it’s the law of ‘the
triple force-form-function’. Because you can’t have a force by definition, that
doesn’t form itself and function; and you can’t have a function that is not a
formed force; and you can’t have a form that is not a forcing function. Now
that’s one law, which is three. That’s how one of our English poets said, in
terrible disgust - I think it was Coleridge actually - he said ” I don’t like
that fellow, he’s otherwise intelligent, but the dumb fellow is a Unitarian you
know. He’s a Unitarian, he can’t grasp the Trinity. Thinking there is only one,
not three.”
Now we cannot think about one without three. Because
whatever we think of is a force-form-function, and in it there is no room
whatever (45.00) for accident of any kind. Now there is plenty of room for
ignorance misinterpreting events as accidents, like the men in the motors and
the fog on the motorway – it’s an ‘accident’.
A woman came to see me in twenty minutes, and that twenty
minutes normally occupied fifty minutes … comes from the other side of
Blackpool … and it was thick fog … It was amazing she arrived at all. But she came in a very large Mercedes … “I’m
so glad to be out of the fog, I hurried up because it’s so dangerous to be in
That was serious, she hurried up because it was dangerous to
be in fog! … … “Get out of it as quickly as possible.” … … Was that an
accident? … No, no! I think she bore a charmed life. … … …
Have we done enough about non-accidents as a possibility
now? Because if, we have we can go on to private purpose. Can we go onto
‘private purpose’ now?
Audience member: Could I just ask you something first …
(Yes) … About your statement, “If you have two things that are completely and
utterly different … (Yes) … Then they
couldn’t communicate” … (Right) … and that was a proof that there wasn’t
duality … (Yes) … But just because they couldn’t communicate, does that prove
their separate existence?
EH: It concludes you nothing about a separate existence
(Fine! … That’s alright) . And what you
cannot know about, for you, is a non-entity.
Audience member: So it’s really irrelevant then? Rather than
(Well it’s irrelevant) .. They don’t exist
EH: Oh no, it’s a proof that they don’t exist. Because ‘to
exist’ is always to an observer.
When we say ‘existence’ we are talking about ‘something
perceived’. You know Bishop Berkley’s statement don’t you, ‘Esse est percipi’.
‘To be’ is ‘to be perceived’. That the actual Absolute Power, which we call ‘God’,
when He focuses to perceive, He produces the thing that He focuses. It wasn’t
there until He focused. Now we use the
definition of ‘faith’ – ‘the power to put your foot down where nothing is, and
in the act of putting it down, posit something to put it on’ That’s ‘power’.
Consciousness itself posits its own object. First it makes ‘idea’, then it
drives into the ‘idea’ – that’s the emotional charge - and then it drives into
that, and it becomes an object. Idea–emotion–act, idea–emotion–act, again a
‘trinity’… … Right? … That’s alright? … Good.
Audience member:
Could something … when you say the word ‘accident’, can you relate that
to speaking being vibrational … (Yes) … Writing which is denser … (Yes) Emm ..
if the ‘C-I’s and the consciousness in between … the ‘act’, the ‘act’ of the
vibration first, the ‘C-I’… (You mean in ‘accident’?) Yes. …
EH: Well if you’re doing this print it ‘C-I-D’, because it
comes from ‘Cadeve’ – ‘to fall’, and you know what a cad is don’t you? (Yes)
What’s a ‘cad’?
Audience Member: Well, it was a person who was …is it from
thinking of the, like Cad, it could be anything …Cad was a person who was … Emm
… not a gentleman … (Not a gentleman.) … Yes ..
EH: Well actually in heraldry, to be a ‘cad’ is to be a
cadent member of a family, and if you were, because there was so many other
members of the same family, he might be nearer the throne. And then she fell
away from the possibility of getting on the throne , because of the many
between, he was called ‘cadent’ or a ‘cad’.
And the behavior of a man who was absolutely certain he was
too far away to get on the throne was far worse than the one who was immediate
claimant to the throne.
Audience member: An Absolute Cad
EH: An Absolute Cad! … You know when … Now our word ‘private’,
and the word ‘privated’, ‘diminished’, ‘robbed’, have the same root. Now ‘private’ is ‘P-LA’ ‘meet’ – ‘going
according to spin’. Now remember, you have an ‘an’ – a running serpent, and
‘on’ – serpent with tail in mouth. Now
the serpent with tail in mouth – ‘on’ – is a ‘P-Ra’ function. That is phi-ratio
– you all know what phi-ratio is don’t you? … What is it? 3.1416 etc. etc. etc.
It’s the ratio of the radius to the circumference isn’t it? (Yes) And without
the circumference, and without the circumference you couldn’t have phi-ratio;
and without the circumference or en-sphering, you could not have ‘Pi-ra-vative’
purpose’, because ‘private’ means ‘to go in the manner of en-sphering’, and
therefore as a separative individual.
Now surely ‘private purpose’ is about the most dim-witted
thing anybody could have, and therefore all the great religions say, “Do away
with ‘private purpose’. Don’t have ‘private purpose’, have ‘Universal purpose’.
If you’re going to do any good, do it, with as many people as you can do it to.
But for God’s sake be surreptitious about it.”
Jesus says, “Don’t pray loudly in public, they’ll bash you.
… “Who the hell does he think he is, praying for me?” And your shins are in
danger. You know, shins have got nerves in, especially to make them painful.
It’s to stop you running about carelessly actually. We have posited nerves in the
shinbone, and it should be called ‘sin-bone’ really, but it’s called
‘shin-bone’ because you ‘shine with realization’.
Have you ever run into a cast-iron railing … … with a shinbone?
… The enlightenment! … That’s called
‘shin’ or ‘shine-bone’ Shinen’ to appear you see. Things appear under sharp
pains that don’t appear, and that’s a warning against sensual submission to
seduction. If you allow yourself to be stroked so that your consciousness is
reduced, your vulnerability increases as your consciousness decreases. Now
‘private’ means, quite simply, you draw a line around you physically; mentally;
emotionally, and believe, most stupidly, that no one else knows what you’re up
to. You think everybody else is stupid, that they’re not watching you, so they haven’t
rumbled your purpose, and actually everybody is watching everybody all the time,
with different degrees of efficiency but, nevertheless, watching.
So ‘private purpose’ is a very good way of increasing
‘accident probability’ for oneself. The more private the purpose, the more
ignorant one is of other people’s purposes. Because to be private in your own
is to focus, to concentrate. And to concentrate is to deprive yourself of information beyond your zone of
being. If you are so pre-occupied with ‘you’ and your experiences, you haven’t
enough energy left to watch everybody else’s experience. So ‘private purpose’
deprives you of the consciousness that would, if you had it, make you efficient
in the pursuit of your ‘private purpose’.
So ‘private purpose’ is a ‘dialectical self-defeating’.
So that ‘private purpose’ and ‘accident’ are related very
intimately: ‘accident’ increases as ‘private purpose’ increases. “I’m in a
hurry. I’m going out. It’s foggy, but I’m in a hurry. I’m going out. I’ve got
an appointment. It’s private. I could ring up and say,”Sorry, Foggy, can’t
come,” ” But my ‘private purpose is so
strong, that it forces me out - and I
mean forces - it compels me out into the
fog,, and I hurry up like mad because I’m in the fog and it’s dangerous, and I
want to get to the beloved before I get killed … And I hope the beloved has got
me insured! … … …
There’s not terribly much one can say about private purpose
other than this – It is abysmally stupid; it is condemned by all the major
religions without exception – and religions are not the inventions of idiots.
They are the products of very, very, sensitive beings, who have observed the
human race and how it defeats itself, and have made rules out of the observed
self-defeating of egotism. All the founders of all the religions have observed
the same thing. Like it says about Jesus, “He knew what was in man, therefor He
did not trust him.” On that account he didn’t begin to believe in man, because
he knew what was in man. (55.00) Namely: stupidity; negligence; selfishness;
private purpose; indifference; and disregard for other people. Now with a few
million of those … there’s bound to be trouble. In an ant colony you don’t find
the same thing, you find marvelous co-operation. Some ants want to get from
that side of a stream to that, so they climb up a tree, swing, make a bridge of
ants, and then the others climb over that bridge. How would you like to hang
there being a bridge … walked on by the others? Ants don’t mind: why do human
beings mind? They have a row, they say, “You be the robe and I’ll walk over
you.” “No it’s your turn to be the robe. I was the robe last time.” “No you
weren’t, you’re lying, you never were the robe. Every time you dodge it.”
Audience member: But it’s attribulary isn’t it. Ants don’t
have that vocabulary.
They have a vocabulary, a very subtle method, called ‘aroma
therapy’. … This is another example of the ‘private purpose’ of human beings.
Human beings are so privately stupefied, that they actually think that the
animals have got no sense … Yes, they think that man is superior to animals. …
Don’t they?
I was watching a weaver bird program last week, and the male
bird builds a perfect nest, a spherical nest with a hole in the bottom so that
the rain doesn’t go like this … … And it worked very, very hard with the straws
… and it made a lovely nest and then it stood outside and went… Not bad …. like
that … That was called the ‘display’
…. And the girl that had been doing nothing,
sitting on the branch and watching him … And when he’d finished she went to it,
went inside, and then came out, and then tore it to pieces. … Rotten weaving. …
And he immediately went … If he doesn’t make that nest he won’t perpetuate
himself through his children. … If she doesn’t like it she’ll take it to
pieces. … Now have you seen anything cleverer than that in the human race. … …
No! …
That’s why it says in the Koran very clearly, “ Man’s
stupidity is so great he cannot see the
intelligent demonstration amongst the animals.” That animals are intelligent in
their way. And their intelligence comes from the same place that man’s
intelligence comes from – namely ‘The Absolute’.
And we, through vocabulary complications of our own, and
particularly through telling lies to ourselves, have come to believe that we
are ‘the very reason of existence’. …
We’re not. …
If we misuse the animal world, the vegetable world, the
mineral world, it will degenerate, it will corrupt, and we will kill ourselves.
… What? … No salmon in the Scottish rivers. … Someone’s pinched them. … No clear atmosphere, no rain without acid.
Who’s doing it, the ants, the bees? No, the clever ones are doing it.
Now the whole thing is, in all major religions, there is
only one religion, you can call it ‘Torah’; you can call it ‘Rota’; you can
call it ‘Wheel’; you can call it ‘Being’; you can call it ‘Logos’; you can call
it ‘Triumph of Yang and Yin’; call it what you like, there is one law – the law
of ‘Force-Form-Function’; the law of ‘Consciousness, of Idea, of Activation’;
the law of ‘Precipitation by Acts of Will’. That is the only law there is.
Now because the ultimate reality is a continuum, it follows,
logically, that that continuum must have whatever it’s got distributed
throughout itself. A continuum has no parts, so that whatever is in it anywhere
is in it everywhere.
Now if there can occur anywhere whatever within that
infinite field of sentient power, a single precipitate of one dot; one yod; one
little letter; one anywhere, then by the law of the continuum, such can be
produced everywhere. Every point of
precipitation in the field presupposes that any other part of (60.00) the field
can likewise precipitate itself. That’s
why we said, “Let’s use capital ‘S’ and little ‘s’.
Now capital ‘S” means the infinite field itself as sentient;
and the little ‘s’ means any individual point.
Now lets examine the name of Godin the Hebrew four letter
form. There’s a ‘Yod’, there’s ‘Hey’, there’s a ‘Vav’, there’s a ‘Hey’; and the
‘Yod’ is an ‘I’, and the ‘Hey’ is really an aspirated ‘E’ triple – fifth letter,
and it’s spelt ‘Yah’, and the third letter is a ‘V’, or an ‘O’, or a ‘U’, and
the last letter is another ‘Hey’, or ‘E’ aspirate. It is saying, ”Form-Field-Drive-Field.”
Idea; field – the field is the emotional charge; and then action; field.
I get an idea that I will make a fist, and I now get the
idea that I will drive the fist - there’s the Yod – and the space around it - observe
when I make a fist, the force in the field of my hand contracts, right? … Can
my hand contract without that force? (No.) Right - So, when my hand contracts
like that have I not demonstrated that a ‘field force’ called ‘extended hand’
contracts? (Yes) Right … I make a ‘Yod’, that’s the contracted hand, and it was
the field, which is that ‘Hey’, that fifth letter, our letter ‘e’, triple,
which is force-form-function. There it is. And now I’m going to change my will
– having made it like that I will drive it through space. And that drive is the
third letter. And when I drive it, am I driving it through a ‘field’? When I
hold it contracted, my field is spherical? Yes? … Around the contracted fist….
But when I push it through space, haven’t I made my fist like a tube, and the
phonetic for that tube is that letter, the sixth letter ‘Vav’. So the name of
God means, ‘Yod” – idea; field of idea;
‘Vav’ – or driving force; and field of driving force. Now we put that together,
it’s called ‘Tetragramaton , the four letter name of God.
Get an idea, push it. … Get an idea, then push it. This is
the cause of all Jewish success in business – get an idea and push it. What
does a Goy do? He gets an idea and he doesn’t push it. Why? Because he thinks,
“Maybe somebody else thought about it. Maybe I’m wasting my time. Maybe already
the fellow is at the office taking out a patent on this idea.” So he doesn’t do
Now the key to all success is whether a Mongolian conqueror,
or Genghis Khan, or Tamerlane, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar … they get an
idea and they push it!
The idea is the first letter; the push is the third letter;
and the second and fourth letter are the field, or emotive charge, first on the
idea, then on the push.
Now if you then take those four letters and write them, Yod,
Hey, Vav, Hey … You often see it in paintings by the ‘Greats’, by Rembrandt and
others, Shining away in the back of the
picture, because it’s the key to existence. The very key to existence is in
that name.
Now we’ll cut the name into two, and we’ll read it
anti-Hebraica, that is, backwards to the way it’s been written. Because the
Jews has already turned it round. And we
now read it ‘H-U-H-I’, ‘a-hey-with-a –vov-and-a-hey-with-a-yod’.
But now it means, ‘He-She’, ‘HeShe’. When you say ‘Hu’ it means ‘He’. ‘Hu’ is
the Hebrew for ‘He’, and ‘Hi’, ‘H-I’, is the Hebrew for ‘She’.
So that mysterious four-letter name is identical in meaning
with the Chinese ‘Yang-Yin’, ‘He’ and ‘She’.
Now who’s doing the driving Trevor? … (65.00) The female or
the male?
Trevor: The male.
EH: The male. So ‘H-U’ which means ‘life-drive’, means ‘He’.
But who’s got the idea it would be a good thing if he drove. (She) She! … You
see…. …
That’s the Yidden mystery of that mysterious name. It says
‘Hu’ (remember that’s Hebrew for ‘He’), and ‘He’ (that’s Hebrew for ‘She’).
‘Hu-He’ made the universe, and ‘She-He’ made sure He made it! … …
Now how is it that wives are the best source of inspiration
to their husbands? And why do they use a
word that means ‘worn-out horse’ for what she does? … …
It’s true! … If men are not careful they will drive all over
the place, like Mongol Hordes one at a time, in all directions. Like Stephen
Laker once said, he rode madly across the pampas in all directions. Now that’s
very ‘male’. Have you noticed that ladies? Have you noticed the men will go
anywhere, it’s the way they are? … Have you noticed? Here, there, and
Didn’t you tell me Joe, you were going on a world tour
before you did anything else? (Yes). Did
you get there? (No) … … Luckily there was a horse damager present …
Now let’s think about it very carefully, about that ‘nag’ –
you know what a ‘na-ga’ is in Sanskrit? It’s a snake that insists on you
committing yourself …’Na-Ga’ ..Yes? … It’s some wonderful (..?..) and ‘Na-Ga’s’ … and their wives ..
They actually have wives, ‘Naginis’ … …
It is the function of the female to make sure that in his rushing about, the
husband that she owns shall arrive, at least some of the time, in the office
where he swears he’s been all day … … And if she didn’t do that, he wouldn’t. …
He’d hang around in a pub called the … what’s it …’The Town Hall’ I think. Full
of Masons and things … All discussing important international affairs … Like
whether Reagan did right to accept or not accept visiting a place where there
were dead bodies of one-time Nazis. “Do
you know, that’s a very momentous problem? “I don’t think we should go back to
the office this afternoon. … We’re so well-in with the land-lord, he won’t
throw us out at closing time.” … It;’s true!
Personally I’m glad I don’t drink. I’ve experimented with
that and … it’s not good. …
Now let’s think about that very carefully. ‘Private purpose’
is the highest form of stupidity. Every religious teaching in the universe has
always said so, and all the people that say they are religious have a secret
‘private purpose’ which they know is condemned by the religion that they
profess to follow.
And what keeps them at their ‘private purpose’? It’s a very
important question this.
Audience member; God.
God. It’s God that makes them stupid … Why?
Audience member: So that they will learn more from the
EH: So they’ll learn more. … It’s God that makes the
Prodigal. It’s God that says to his Prodigal, “Why don’t you ask for your
inheritance now. I mean, most people when they inherit have to wait for
somebody to die. But I, thy Divine Father, am immortal. … If I don’t die how
are you going to realize my will? …
So, fogged by this suggestion, the Prodigal son says, “Well
give me the money now!”
“OK, go!” And he goes out and he finishes up with pigs. … But
he’s got lovely stories to tell when he gets back, and God forgives all.
Did you know God will forgive you the more you’re stupid … …
The more stupid you are, the greater the forgiveness of God. And that’s a
terrible problem; I’ve been working on it for years. … … How do you become
deliberately stupid to make more interesting stories? (70.00)
The more you try, the more intelligent you get … The more
intelligent you get, the harder it is to make a stupid error. … … It’s a big
twist, isn’t it? .. And in India, the Hindu God is called ‘Lila’ - ‘sport’. You
hear it sees beings that want to exist, it gives them the energy to exist, and
an appearance of free will, and intelligence, and speech, and then says, “Now,
get on with it!” … And then he watches. … He’s the big eagle at the top of the
tree watching. … Reading the little jackdaws on the lower branches … Pecking,
and getting indigestion off green apples … He’s very interested. This is quite
serious, this is not a myth; this is the actuality of reality. Infinite
Intelligent Power has produced individual beings - some of which are us - and
drives them to hormone trickery into a state of stupidity, so that they have
lots of lovely adventures and finish up
very, very,
wise. … And sad. …
‘Sad’ is a technical term meaning ‘spirit actively dividing’.
Now beforehand, you see this in a baby. The baby is not
divided is it? Isn’t the baby, to begin with, just one – one impulse? To have
its own way. If you say to the baby, ”What is this ‘own way’, which you want?”
Can it tell you? … No. … It’s just an impulse, like that. Where is it from? …
From God. He inserts the drive into the
innocent to make him bang his head on the doorknob. And that’s part of the
‘Rahman Rahim’ – that’s part of the mercy and compassion of The Absolute. …
How do you like it? How do you like God – the All Merciful,
All Compassionate?
So let’s think about
that shall we, a little? …You’re going to think about these things. There are
no accidents except to the relatively unconscious; and there is no ‘private
purpose’ that is not willed to be private for that person to educate that person
in more and more stupid involvements , so that eventually he can turn round and
confess, “Verily, only God is God. – La Ilaha Illallah.” Did you know Divine
Being other than the Divine Being. We are ‘relative’, it is Absolute. And if we
admit it we become ‘Absolutely Relative’. …
Shall we think about that for a little. (73.13).