transcript of Dr Fred Freeman’s notes (No known Ishval number) was by Eleanor
Grundy and Alan Roberts in September 2011 - all additions to the original are
in square brackets and italics.
Crossings out in this piece of work have the same content as in the
original, which were also crossed out and usually incomplete sentences.]
Involution and Evolution
Involution is evolution other way up.
Evolution being something out from a situation
or substance.
A ‘term’ implies a word that has been very clearly defined.
How can the qualities that are evolving have got in the first place into
Reality is original =
essential powers.
= towards the centre
= from the centre.
Men looking for ‘primary causes’ ie forces -
ie dynamic cause.
also looked for unchanging forms and considered:
earth, water,
air, fire.
2 temperaments opposed.
A Stability looked
for unchanging matter
B Causation looked
for dynamic cause
Matter = energy locatable and offering resistance.
concept of Involution
= directing
flow of energy
field -
zone of influence
à O = existential
material object
zones of compaction, due to spacing between energy, called precipitated energy
or material.
If we
release energy from compacted state, we will reaffirm original attributes of
pre-compacted energy
Field of intelligent energy, condensing in field =
zones of resistance.
Materialistic empirical scientist, concentrates
on examination of matter. (gross material matter)
If we define as ‘real’ only that which our sense organs can perceive, we
will put ourselves under concept of granularity.
At top level we are dealing with a continuum which is more powerful and
sensitive than those powers so far discovered.
Industrial revolution philosophy denies all
psychic forces, and says that only is real which one can touch or see.
Moon is regarded as ‘dead end of involution’ - ie minerality has contracted as much as it
E = field )
N = motion )
An involutionary movement carried to its term.
D = division, dividing itself )
ä ã
Effective = Ex factive
out to do
Self-condensation = incarnation
There is
a measurable biomagnetic field wherever there is a living body. This field does not emanate from the body but
is the course of the body.
biomagnetic field will always show preferred responses within it.
forces which condense as lions, elephants, men, etc, condense in that way
because they have a preferred response from inside them.
field power, which is the origin of all things, mysteriously is structured.
does not mean
time zones
The will
to differ is common in all zones.
precipitation is unique in every zone.
formally identical conclusions will not occur.
If one
wills not difference but identity it is possible to resonate in the same way.
If one
agrees with someone it is because one wills to agree.
is not a lot of time.
it is not
serial time or energy emission
in a cycle of
Father - thumb gen
Son - forefinger
Holy Ghost - middle finger
Life - fourth finger
Body - little finger
Love God
and your neighbour as yourself etc. does not mean like mindedness (formal
from beginning of Christianity we have many different points of view.
Heresy = “I
do my own thinking”.
that know they are wilful in their definitions (Franciscans).
that believe idea conditions them (Dominicans).
Our life
is a BIAS
Disagreement is highly intelligent Xranity [sic. – no
God the
father does not want a world full of individuals saying exactly the same thing.
Animated principals.
Evolution - means we must bring out of our being what is
God is
simultaneously anti-fascist and anti-communist.
would like people’s preferred responses to be those that are defined for them.
level govt. squeezes people to make them produce new emergents.
- ie enclosure of ‘common land’ by defining
it as ‘waste land’, resulted in
lotons [unclear
word] beings formed and allowing
the industrial revolution.
Initiative requires the overthrow of inertias
Caste System of people stressed on:-
Body ) - inertia
) - commodity distribution people (inter-reaction)
Biofield ) - gentle artistic
) - inter-reaction - businessman
Response - warriors
Form - Brahmins
Power - Quintessential being.
pure self conscious power cannot be
defined because it is not form
The inter-reaction of body and biofield aspects
gives rise to businessmen.
Evolution - we
are in process of moving back from physical body to origin.
Generality of present day evolution - most people running about on preferred
responses. Very few people are running
about on formal logic.
(these are often called ‘abstract mathematical thinkers’)
Our physical body is centre of infinite field of
sentient power, itself uniquely structured from within the field.
Therefore because you have the courage for
function you are going to have courage to think and speak for yourself.
To think there is only one correct solution is a
concept of granularity.
When you insert energy into an organism too
( A
(L) L E R T = All work
If you are alert
There is no dislike in the continuum.
If you invade the zone of disliking means strict
internal honesty.
Ultimate reality is dialectical
- you hate as much as
you love
you must not reject parts of yourself.
A baby is born
) makes walls divisions
Wall ality ) - society is walls
You are at war between the divided portions of
All you need is an emotive negative response to
justify internal investigation.
Break it down to its ultimate complex of will.
“Their name is legion”. All ideas work as if they were separate
Free-will is not doing ‘what you want’.
It has nothing to do with want.
Grace is equivalent to spirit.
It cannot be demanded from below.
No prayer is without effect.
Prayer is energy.
But empirical ego cannot determine the effect of
any prayer.